
Accessible Air Travel for All


North Cariboo Air is committed to providing equal access and opportunities for all passengers, including those with disabilities. It is our policy to comply with all applicable regulations and to strive for continuous improvement in accessibility. The company implements an accessibility plan compliant with all applicable regulations enhancing accessibility for passengers with disabilities. The plan aims to create an inclusive and barrier-free environment for all passengers, regardless of their abilities by ensuring:


  • all persons are treated with dignity
  • all persons have the same opportunity to make for themselves the lives that they are able and wish to have
  • all persons have barrier-free access to full and equal participation in society
  • all persons have meaningful options and are free to make their own choices, with support if they desire
  • company policies, programs and services consider the disabilities of persons, the different ways that persons interact with their environments as well as the marginalization and discrimination faced by some people

NCA Accessibility Plan Progress Report

NCA Accessibility Plan - June 2023

Alternate Forms

North Cariboo Air understands the importance of providing our accessibility plan in alternative formats to accommodate diverse needs. Passengers can request the accessibility plan in the following formats:

  • Print
  • Large print (16pt, sans serif unless requested otherwise)
  • Braille
  • Audio format or;
  • An electronic format compatible with adaptive technology

Requests can be made utilizing any of the communication channel listed below, such as mail, telephone, or email. We are committed to fulfilling these requests within 15 days for print format requests or within 45 days for braille and audio formats. We also encourage passengers to communicate specific formatting needs and will work to accommodate each person, as preferences may vary.


Complaints and Feedback


We welcome feedback and complaints related to accessibility and value the opinions and experiences of our customers that allow us to continuously improve our services. If you have any feedback, suggestions, or concerns regarding accessibility on our flights or at terminals, please do not hesitate to contact Accessibility Support at the following:

Telephone: 403-717-1800
Mail: c/o Safety Management System
600 Palmer Road NE
Calgary, AB T2E 7R3

Complaints will be addressed promptly, and appropriate actions will be taken to resolve issues and prevent reoccurrence. We appreciate your input and look forward to serving you better.